Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Blessings!!

You know these past days have just flown by!! It's been a mix of warmer weather and rainy days, but the kids have been outdoors enjoying it all.

We are finally on spring break, a whole week off of homeschooling!!

I on the other hand haven't been up to much lately, trying desperately hard to get some sort of spring cleaning done. At least I'm just about through all the kids closets and have emptied out 'most' of the winter clothes (one never does that entirely where I live!!LOL) and gone through and put away the spring and summer clothes. I just have Alex's and Robbie's rooms to finish up with.

Bill is still off work.....ugh....what a production this whole process has been. WCB is saying his employer should be paying him for this time and his employer is saying that WCB should be paying, no one seems to have a clue as to what is going on!!
Everyone is STILL awaiting the report from the specialist he saw on the 4th, who apparently, is taking their sweet time in sending it off. Both sides agree that this report will resolve the who should be doing what dilemma!

I went to the used toy and clothing sale last Saturday, I did really well. I got each child a couple of outfits for the summer and um.....about a dozen super cute newborn baby BOY sleepers and stuff!!!LOL I think the lady I was buying them from thought I was a nut job!!LOL They were just too cute to pass up!! I had this instant voice in my head saying buy them, you know you'll need them!! I've been finding peoples reaction to this pregnancy slightly different than from previous pregnancies. Most people seem to shocked to come up with anything stupid to say, and the rest can only respond with "WOW", large families are not common here, or at least in my community. I've run into a few adults who COME from a larger family, but I've yet to SEE any large families, mostly three is the tops.
I had one lady ask, "You must have hired help!" I honestly had to hold back a real laugh, "No, just me and my hubby" was all I could muster!!LOL
Most just seem to fall into the category of placing me on a pedestal and thinking I'm some sort of super woman because THEY could NEVER manage that. While I agree it does take a special person to parent a larger family, it's not beyond everyone's reach!! I am by far a super woman (really, really far off!!LOL) I yell and have hissy fits, my husband can vouch for that!!! Some days I wonder how on earth I have any hair left because I'm sure I've pulled it all out!!

Nope, no perfection here!!LOL All I can do is try my best, like each and every other mother out there!!

Tomorrow is grocery shopping, I'm going to Superstore....yeah. Can feel my enthusiasm? This store is crazy, but it fits my budget this time around. Saturday we will be egg decorating, and then an egg hunt on Sunday, followed by a ham dinner for supper...yum!!

I think this baby is an oinker, I swear, I am STARVING every two hours, and not just need some munchies hungry, oh no I am flat out starved!!LOL
I really don't want to see how much weight I've gained when I see the doc on the 28th, it's got to be at least 10-13lbs, even with all the morning sickness!!
Not, that I ever REALLY worry about my weight while pregnant, I eat when I want and what I want, no hard rules for me and I've never gained over 42lbs before.
This is the first pregnancy ever though, that I have been really thinking about twins. Alyssa is positive it's twins and I've been having twin dreams, my belly is huge (one woman thought I was 6mo pg!!!....YIKES!!!) but, I don't know....I guess we'll find out soon enough!!

Well, all this talk about food has my tummy rumbling!!LOL Time to go find a snack, which should be interesting since I REALLY need groceries!!!LOL

Have a Blessed weekend and a very blessed Easter everyone!!!


Sylvia said...

Have a Blessed Easter Penny. I am so happy you are doing well. Take care.