Monday, May 23, 2005


First off, I updated my FOOD BLOG I figured it had been awhile!!LOL

Well, my weekend was a mixture of horrible and really good. What a mix, hey??

First, all the good stuff!!!
Sunday, I felt fabulous. I had next to no pain and it was terrific because it was Mariah's 1st birthday!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE I'm so glad that God gave me that day. We had so much fun. The kids made homemade games to play with each other (pin the tail on the giraffe!!LOL) We decorated her cake. We played all afternoon as a family because Bill had the day off (it was a long weekend here) then we had a scrumptious dinner of homemade hamburgers and french fries. Then we went for a nice walk to our lake and the kids played at the park there and Bill and I played on the swings he still get's a kick out of pushing me really high and hearing me freak out (I'm terrified of heights!!) Then we all played on the swings and were trying to get Alex and Alyssa to learn how to pump!! Then when we got home it was time for cake and ice cream!! That was a blast and Mariah LOVED her cake. (I have some pics to post, but will post more when I get the roll of film developed. I used the webcam to take a pic of the cake and dinner) Then it was bathtime, and everyone pretty much collapsed into bed. Bill bought a Star Wars game for 'my' Xbox (LOL) so we played that when all the kiddos were asleep. It's days like those you treasure, and if I can have a day like that here and there, I can take whatever is going on with me.

The other good stuff, Saturday was a horrible day for me. I was in excruciating pain and nothing was helping. My sweet Bill, decided that he would try his best to help me. I had just crawled into bed, when he came out of the bathroom and called me to come (I just thought he was having a bath) When I walked into the bathroom, there were candles lit everywhere and a nice hot bubble bath awaiting me. Now because of my pain, I can't always get comfortable in the bath (and of course it doesn't help that I'm only 5 feet tall and cannot lie in the bath without drowning!!LOL) so He crawled in first and then had me come in so I could lean back on him!!! He then used a sponge to drip the hot water all over my body to help relieve the pain. It was SOOO relaxing and nice to just be able to sit comfortably in the bath and be with him. He also tried to massage my legs, but that didn't work, the pain does not respond well to any type of massaging.
I did have to giggle about the bubble bath though, it was Double Bubble scented!!!ROFL!! You know you have kids when.....................

So even though it had some bad points, all in all it was a good weekend!!

Oh, and of course...our lawn. Yup, here we go again. Bill had asked me to set it up so that a maintenance company would come and give us a spring cleanup. I had a few people come and give estimates earlier this month. The Bill though he might just buy the lawnmower and do it himself, then he changed his mind. So I had lined up company A to come and do this for Thursday, well the people didn't even show up and haven't replied to any of my calls or emails. So I tried company B, had them lined up to come out on Saturday. They came, drove by the front and the back and then drove OFF!!!!! grrrr. I mean, I can certainly understand someone not wanting to do the job (it IS pretty scary back there...up to my knees) but, they could've TOLD me that!! So, Bill said he would take care of that company via logging a complaint. SOOOOO, I called another guy today. He called me back tonight, and is going to drive by and take a look as to what he will need machine wise and to give me an estimate. I told him to please call me, even if he didn't want the job. He was a very nice gentleman, and I don't think he'll bail out on us. I told him it's a jungle back there!!LOL
If this falls through, I don't know what to do. I'm sure the neighbor's aren't going to be quiet for much longer, and I doubt that it isn't much longer before the landlords are on the phone or at the door for that matter!!

I really hope it works out, I ordered a bunch of seeds from eBay and I can hardly wait to plant them. I've got a ton of different sunflowers/jasmine and lilacs to plant!! Not to mention getting some vegetable seeds in the other garden area.

On a sad note, my mother caved in. I had optimistically not been saying much in the hopes that I could give a full praise report in a month. However, for what ever reason, she started drinking last weekend and the last I had heard she still was/is. (she doesn't phone me when she's drinking) She had made it just about 5 months, but I guess things got to her. She has given my sister until June 18th to be out (my mom sold her house and is moving to a mobile home) so my sister is in a bit of a panic. She's trying desperately to find a place to live. Please keep her in your prayers. She has never been on her own, and while I believe she'll be just fine, it's scary nonetheless. Hopefully she'll be able to find something she'll be happy with.

Well, there's my update!!
Hope everyone had a good weekend, and here's to a good week!!

Upcoming appointments:
May 27th: Alex has a dentist appt. to have a molar pulled because the root has dissolved from a rather larger cavity. He's a little nervous. Thankfully it is a babytooth.
Also on that day is Mariah's 12mo vax appointment and Robbie's 4.5yo booster. Robbie is terrified as he hates needles, so I'm assuming it'll be a trial. After we finish there, we walk across the office and go to his speech therapy appt. After all that, it's grocery shopping!!! WHEW! Luckily I have that day off from the two little girls I look after. Which BTW, is going wonderful. Praise the Lord!!!
Then onto June, I have my appointment on the 2nd. Let us pray for God's will to be done that day!!!! I also will have that day off.

Also on my TO DO list is, to set up a home visit with the virtual school liaison in the next few weeks. So I can have all my curriculum ready to go for September. I'm 95% sure that I will be homeschooling all three in the fall. Unless God shows me a different path.

God Bless!!!

Here's the pics!!!

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Sorry for the ick factor and for them being so blurry, it gives you an idea!!
I'll post better pics, especially Mariah enjoying her cake, after I get the roll developed!!!


Sylvia said...

Hello Penny, so glad you updated!!! I am happy about the good days for you and your family and praying you will get through the tough ones. I love the pics!!! Take care and God Bless! ((hugs))