Monday, September 17, 2012


It has arrived...well, it's been here for almost three weeks now! LOL What a busy few weeks it has been, so many changes.

Firstly, Bill has officially started his new job! He went and got his Class One drivers license the first week of September. He is now working for one person and eventually we will be buying this company and it will be OURS! What a wonderfully, beautiful, and exciting feeling THAT is! Our dream of owning land is VERY near. (much more than it was at the beginning of this year!!!)
It has been an adjustment, since we are all trying to fit into a new routine, but it will all be good as we go.
So far, Bill has been loving driving the BIG truck!! hehe

Also, earlier this month was the adventure of canning! Whew, that is a killer! It is so worth it in the long run, but getting it done is quite the production. So far, we put up 37 quarts of pickles, 22 pints of pears (some with spices like cloves and nutmeg), 15 quarts of peaches (some with spices as well), a couple small jars of Cinnamon Apple butter and a couple of pickled relishes. I was going to do some canned vegetables, but my vision of purchasing a pressure canner didn't materialize as of yet. Phooey! As soon as I can, I will make that purchase. The thought of being able to add canned veggies and meats to me pantry makes me very happy!!
Right now I am in the process of harvesting up some of my herbs from the garden. I have Stevia, Mint, and Wormwood all drying right now. I think over the next couple of days I will harvest some of my Borage and Catnip as well. Oh, and I took down some LemonBalm as well. Some of my other herbs I have brought inside like Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Basil and Parsley. Makes it nice to grab fresh herbs while preparing teas or foods.

Also new this year, Alex has begun traditional highschool. Not actually going to school, it's just through correspondence, but a change nonetheless! So far he is finding it okay. Of course, he hates the math! LOL
Matthew has also joined us this school year, not that life is all that different than what he is used Everyone has been enjoying their new books as they have arrived in the mail. The Easel has been a big hit as have the art kits....all my little artists!!!

We have also had a couple of Birthdays so far too!! Mine was on the 12th...the big 34!!! haha Don't feel any different and could careless about my age, just a number in my opinion! Kayla also had a birthday on the 15th, she turned 10!! Can you believe it??? It seems like just yesterday I was talking abut her being a toddler on this here blog!! WOWSA!

Past that, we have just been enjoying the sunshine and warmth as much as possible before the cold, winter season has it's hold on us.

This upcoming weekend is yet another busy one, Bill and I will be ripping up the current flooring on the main floor and laying down some beautiful light wood laminate! I am so excited, I LOVE the color!!
Also, on the 27th our new fridge will be arriving!! HURRAY!!! Finally, I will have a second fridge, it's not a large one (that will have to wait until we move) but I still love it, here check it out Our New Fridge yup, pretty stoked!!! The when we move we will put our current one back in it's place and then just take this new one with us and use IT as a second fridge at the new place. It is going to make my life soooooo much easier! I will actually be able to stock up on things like extra soy milk and buy eggs in bulk!

And last, nothing yet from this season Hunting. Bill has only been able to get out twice and yesterday he almost had a doe, but she wasn't quite lined up enough for a good shot. Hopefully next time. I am really looking forward to getting the freezer stocked with some good deer meat.

Well, having said all that...time to go and get dinner on the go here!

Blessed be!