Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday

Works for Me Wednesday

Organizing my monthly receipts is a chore I despise, but it must be done nonetheless. Thankfully, I don't have many, just my grocery and supplies receipts and one or two monthly bills.

For the past few years I have found that organizing them monthly, makes my life easier come the end of the year.

My mom gave me this super cute shelving unit quite a few years ago and it has a hinged top that can be LOCKED.
Within this marvelous unit is a collection of separated mini shelves that hold perfectly all my receipts and the calender sheet from that month (when it's done of course). This way, as soon as I am home from grocery shopping or otherwise, and I have double checked my receipt, I can just tuck it away into it's little spot on the shelf !
I always keep the calender sheet because I am notorious for jotting stuff down on it (we have one of those HUGE ones on our fridge) like doctors appointments and other appointments or achievements.

Fast forward to the end of the year...I tuck each of the receipts form the month into the folded calender sheet and tuck it all into a ZIPLOC baggie and label it with it's year. I like a Ziploc baggie because, well, I have lot's of kids and you can bet that someone has spilled something on the table in the exact spot where I will be setting my paperwork down....even IF I already wiped the table down! When I am all done with the baggie, it gets tossed into my big black filing cabinet, that I am certain was not ever intended for holding a collection of baggies containing important files. However, that is it's current life.

I have tried filing boxes with super cute labels or fancy stickers but those fancy stickers and labels almost always ended up stuck to mine or someone else's socks or even worse, stuck to the linoleum. I could never remember which color was which month. Suffice to say, it just never worked for me. This option though, DOES work for me!!